Our Journey
Damnaged Goods started as a way for Founder, Designer, and Owner "Radley" to process his life's traumas through artistic expression. As a "troubled" kid growing up, he was often criticized and looked down on for his lifestyle, appearance, and hardships. After a long bout of depression struggling to escape the label that he would never be more than "damaged goods" and would therefore never amount to anything or be worthy of anyone's time or affection he tattoo'd our signature "Frowny Face" design on his arm and thus began the start of a journey of self acceptance , discovery, and healing that would eventually lead to the founding of the "Damnaged Goods" Brand. It started with a tattoo that led to a jacket which led to an outpour of support for his creative designs and many custom commissioned pieces to follow.
Damnaged Goods is more than just a brand, it is the embodiment of this journey of self acceptance that we all could learn to grow from. Your past and present lifestyles, traumas, or struggles don't determine your worth. We here at Damnaged Goods believe in changing the narrative behind the term "Damaged Goods." We believe in "Wearing your heart on your sleeve" and being proud of who you are in the face of adversity. We don't want anyone to have to hide from their inner self and instead be proud of who they are, flaws and all. Go into the world fearlessly showing that you are "Damnaged Goods" and you are proud and worthy of all the love and respect so inherently synonymous with the status quo. Embrace and love yourself no matter who you are or what people think of you. We all have our burdens to bear and we want to bear them together. We love you all and are forever grateful for the support you show us every day. We only hope that Damnaged Goods can help you learn to love yourself as it did for "Radley."